On behalf of de Kiesmannen, Jochem Jordaan & Jahkini Bisselink hosted the Opening Ceremony & Debate of Europe Day in the hemicycle of the European Parliament in both Brussels & Strasbourg. The opening ceremonies included great speakers such as Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament Othmar Karas, Dita Charanzová, Rainer Wieland and MEPs Marc Angel, Fabienne Keller & Gunnar GH Beck. During the debate, a wide range of topics were discussed, including the Russian Invasion in Ukraine & the Conference on the Future of Europe.
Furthermore, Dylan Ahern & Jochem Jordaan were editors and hosts, together with Victoria Tregub (Brussels) & Emilie Harnie (Strassbourg) of ‘Radio Europe Day’, a 9-hour long radio show live from the European Parliament with interviews, weather reports, music & much more to engage Europeans around the continent with European matters. This show was made in collaboration with Alice PR & Events, Studio Sonart & European Parliament